信仰 & Student Life

信仰 & Student Life Overview

At Holy Spirit Preparatory School, 我们将天主教会的信仰和道德融入十大玩彩信誉平台的方方面面. 我们委身于耶稣基督的真理,相信福音是我们幸福和救赎的源泉. Inspired by this vision, 我们教导学生尊重他们的尊严,并协助他们回应神圣的使命.

Integrating Our 信仰 into Daily Life

In seeking to provide an education which is integral and complete, Holy Spirit Prep seeks to build a culture of joy in the campus life. 因此,校园的生活是由我们天主教信仰的礼仪季节和节日塑造的. We rest on Holy Days, receive candy in our shoes for St. Nicholas's day, meditate on the Stations of the Cross during Holy Week, weekly attend Mass, go on class retreats, 庆祝第一次圣餐和坚振圣礼作为一个学校社区. 我们在耶稣基督里信仰的美丽和喜乐对圣灵预备学校提供的整体教育和形成至关重要.

Fostering Leadership and Developing Character

Our campus culture is marked, 也, but opportunities for student leadership and growth, through and in our House system and thriving clubs & apostolates. We form students to serve, and not to be served, 因为他们学习建立一个繁荣的生活文化,在那里每个学生都被尊重和爱,就像上帝的形象和肖像一样.

A Culture of Dignity and Respect

这种尊重延伸到我们的学生手册和纪律和行为的期望. 我们有一个统一的规定,并且期望在上学的日子里关掉手机, for instance, to help engender an environment of learning and eliminate distractions.

The dignity of each human person and the beauty, 真理, 我们良好的学习和信仰渗透到学校的文化和生活中. In everything, our motto, ministrare non ministrari, to serve and not to be served, shapes the life of the school.


我们的学前班旨在通过《十大玩彩信誉平台》(CGS)使学生在天主教信仰的快乐实践中扎根。. 我们相信,即使是最小的孩子也能与上帝建立关系,而这种关系最好是通过对美的体验来培养的, 祈祷, and the sacraments.

CGS以“中庭”为中心,这是一个有助于促进精神成长的有意空间. Designated exclusively for CGS presentations with hands-on activities, 中庭有一个儿童大小的祭坛,鼓励学生学习弥撒的神圣牺牲, chalices, and cruets.

Lower School

圣灵预备学校的低年级提供了无数的机会来连接和丰富我们学生的精神生活, faculty, and families. 我们的主要目标是帮助圣灵预备社区在天主教会的信仰中成长,并与耶稣基督相遇.

低年级学生可以通过年级水平的服务项目将他们的信仰付诸行动, virtue formation programs, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 我们的校园事工团队也为我们的二年级学生和他们的家人提供预备课程,让他们第一次忏悔并在他们的第一次圣餐中接受主.

Middle School

Shaped by a distinctly Catholic perspective, 圣灵预备中学致力于通过强大的神学课程和经常参加弥撒的机会来促进精神成长和与基督的个人关系的发展, confession, 祈祷, 服务, and spiritual guidance.

With a focus on servant leadership, 中学生可以透过策划和带领务虚会来体验和分享基督的爱, acting as altar servers, 并参与传道服务(包括在社区做义工).

中学生还参加了一个美德计划,学习美德的实践. In partnership with parents, faculty, and campus ministry, 领导与每个中学生一起制定个性化的队形计划, in which students set goals and objectives in four key areas: Academics, Spirituality, Personal Development, and Service.

High School

Grounded in the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church, 我们的高中课程旨在通过培养对信仰与理性之间和谐的欣赏以及对神圣启示真理的承诺,形成学生在信仰寻求理解的传统.

Outside the classroom, 我们的学生可以通过接受精神指导和参加圣弥撒在信仰上成长, confession, weekly adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, daily 祈祷, 服务 apostolates, and annual retreats.

我们的高中学生定期经历坚振圣礼, celebrate weekly Mass as a student body, celebrate May Crowning, and make a senior pilgrimage to Rome, 意大利.

Harry and Dinham

我们发现这段经历对我们儿子来说比我们想象的要多. Through the school’s academics, consistent religious teachings, and athletics, Harry found his self-confidence again. 圣灵家庭的教育者远远超出了我们的任何期望. The staff, 牧师, teachers, 教练, 学生们一直鼓励和包容新学生的到来,使过渡无缝. We are thrilled with Holy Spirit Prep.

Harry and Amy Dinham
Parents of High School and Middle School students

Fr. Juan Pablo

Head Chaplain

Campus Ministry

我们的校园事工帮助每个学生在信仰中成长,学会爱上帝和邻居. Inspired by the words of Christ and the 信仰, we are committed to living out our school motto, Ministrāre non ministrārī – “To serve, not to be served.”

Fr. Juan Pablo, along with faculty and staff, 提供无数机会,以加强我们的学生的精神形成. These opportunities include weekly Mass, 祈祷 服务s, retreats, and 服务 opportunities at the school and the wider community.

Roadmap to Virtue

基督教传统的伟大哲学家们知道,对上帝的追求不仅仅是一项智力上的事业——它是精神上的. 要了解上帝,心灵和思想都必须通过美德的灌输来塑造. Here at Holy Spirit Preparatory School, 我们教学生美德的做法,专注于不同的美德,在每四个不同的发展阶段,因为他们涉及到圣礼. 这, 反过来, 引导学生以一种最终能给他们今生和来世带来幸福的方式生活.

School Prayer

We pray in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Lord, for this day.
Thank you for the blessings you give us.
Thank you for making each one of us in your image.
Thank you for the special blessing of our families.

Help us to remember that you love us.
Help us to remember that you have a special place in your heart for us.
Help us to remember that this communion is unique and precious.

Fill us with a faith that will accompany us.
Fill us with a faith that will encourage us.
Fill us with a faith that will inspire us.
Fill us with a faith that will console us.

赐给我们宽宏大量和伟大的灵魂,好叫我们能有其他的美德 seek to acquire will blossom.
求你赐给我们智慧和谨慎,好叫我们为别人作正确的决定 of our lives.
Grant us the development of heart, mind, body, and soul such that we might excel in your plan for our lives.

And grant that we may all seek communion with you and with one another.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. 阿门.

Holy Spirit Catholic Church

圣灵预备学校的校园紧挨着圣灵天主教堂, a parish of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Founded in 1964, this vibrant parish community serves roughly 1,900 households and aims to make God’s Kingdom present in the world. Parishioners support various ministries such as the Knights of Columbus, Knotted Rosaries for the Military, Family Fellowship, Catechism classes, 更能在信仰上成长,服事教区内外的人.

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